Low Carb Fast Food: 9 Healthier Choices on the Go

Traditionally, fast food and health belong in very different sentences.

However, changing consumer trends are driving healthier offerings from restaurants.

While it’s much healthier to make your own food, knowing somewhere near you with a low carb menu might be helpful.

So, whether it’s a sit-down meal you’re looking for or a meal on the run, this article will present some healthier choices.

Each of these low carb fast food options is free of sugar, vegetable oil, and grains.
1. Five Guys Burger Bowl
2. Subway Salad Bowl
3. Starbucks Coffee With Heavy Cream
4. Starbucks Sous Vide Egg Bites: Bacon and Gruyere
5. Lettuce Wrap Burgers (McDonalds / Burger King)
6. Bacon and Eggs
7. Jimmy John’s Unwich
8. Packet of Nuts and a Bar of Dark Chocolate
9. Chipotle Bowl


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